Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Answer to All Questions

Once, God, decided to reform the mortals, so decided to send down the ideological leaders from heaven to re-do their jobs on Earth. One not so fine day, it was the turn of Mahatma Gandhi, he chose to return to Bangalore and reform the city. Vijay Mallya the Indian liquor baron on hearing Gandhi’s arrival, decided to meet him over for dinner. At the table Mallya ordered for a pint of beer. Gandhi regretfully asked “Son, why do you drink?” Mallya replied back “I am being through a bloody hectic phase in my life. I make the Kingfisher calendar, so I can choose 12 smoking hot models, and I could shuffle them every month to be my escort, but I never get an opportunity to do so.” Gandhi “Why is that son? Are you so engrossed in work?” Mallya said “No, it is not because of my work. It because of my son Siddharth, he scores with all of them by the end of the first week and then breaks-up with them and so that never gives me the opportunity to take things forward. Now I feel so lonely and I keep questioning myself that what would it take me to be with a woman” Gandhi advised “Son I understand how hard that is for you, but you’ll have to understand that alcohol is not the answer to all the questions.” Mallya replied “Yes, very true. Alcohol is not the answer to all the questions, but if you don’t get the answer, it helps you forget the question.” Cheers!!!


  1. gud job.. lookin frwd for more interestin stories..

  2. Thanks mate. There's a lot more coming up.
